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        Pole Base vs. Cast-in-Place Calculator

        Input your project specifications below and see how much time, money, and headache switching to Pole Base can save you.

        Material Inputs & Cost

        With cast-in-place bases, the materials are just the beginning of the variables involved in getting the job done. With Pole Base precast foundations, you can simplify your inputs because we take care of most of the details for you.

        Pole Base ($)

        Cast-In-Place ($)

        Potential Equipment Rental

        Cardboard Form

        Rebar Cage



        Pole Base

        Delivery or Shipping

        Backfill Material

        Subtotal ($)

        Hours Needed to Install

        There's a lot that goes into installing site lighting, and Pole Base can help streamline the installation process, reducing the time needed to complete the task.

        Pole Base (Hours)

        Cast-In-Place (Hours)

        Project Management Time

        Time to Dig or Auger Hole

        Cut & Position Cardboard Form

        Cut, Bend, Tie & Position Rebar Cage

        Cut, Prime, & Glue Conduit

        Anchor Bolt Layout

        Pouring & Vibrating Concrete

        Offloading Delivery

        Setting Base

        Backfilling & Compaction

        Running Wire

        Strip Cardboard Form

        Patching & Rubbing Out Rings and Bug Holes

        Standing Poles

        Subtotal (Hours)

        Eliminate Downtime

        With cast-in-place bases, the materials are just the beginning of the variables involved in getting the job done. With Pole Base precast foundations, you can simplify your inputs because we take care of most of the details for you.

        Polebase (Days)

        Cast-In-Place (Days)

        Downtime Waiting for Inspections

        Downtime Before Stripping the Cardboard Form

        Downtime to Reach Required Compressive Strength

        Subtotal (Days)

        Ready to switch to Pole Base for your next project?

        Get Pricing
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