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        Technical Resources to Design & Install

        When it comes to switching from cardboard tubes and cast-in-place systems to precast foundations, we want to ensure you have the technical resources you need to design and install Pole Base. As each foundation is built to your specifications, we've created the tools to help you get exactly what you want. Download the Technical Guide or use the design examples and specifications below to get the best bases for your next project.

        Get the Technical Guide

        Technical Guide

        From pre-construction checklists to design charts to product data sheets, the Pole Base Technical Guide is geared to help your project go quickly and cleanly.

        Get the Technical Guide

        Details, Drawings, and Specifications

        View design examples of standard light pole bases, columns, and runway/taxiway edge light foundations to help get your project started.

        General Light Pole Base Data Sheets

        Light Pole Bases

        Round Light Pole Bases

        Round Smooth Pole Base Detail:
        PDF, DWG

        Round Rusticated Pole Base Detail:
        PDF, DWG

        Round Rusticated Pole Base with J-Box Detail:
        PDF, DWG

        Round Rusticated Pole Base Data Sheet: PDF

        Round Smooth Pole Base Data Sheet: PDF

        Square Light Pole Bases

        Square Ledgestone Pole Base Detail:
        PDF, DWG

        Square Ledgestone Pole Base Data Sheet: PDF

        Square Brickledge Pole Base Detail:
        PDF, DWG

        Square Brickledge Pole Base Data Sheet: PDF

        Square Pole Base Detail:
        PDF, DWG

        Square Pole Base Data Sheet: PDF

        Spread Footing Pole Bases

        Typical Spread Footing Detail: PDF, DWG

        Columns & Bollards


        Square Ledgestone Column Detail:
        PDF, DWG

        Square Brickledge Column Detail:
        PDF, DWG


        Bollard Detail: PDF, DWG

        Taxiway Light Bases

        Taxiway Base Bottom Drain Detail:
        PDF, DWG

        Taxiway Base Side Drain Detail:
        PDF, DWG


        Pole Base Specifications: PDF, DOC

        Design Charts

        Pole Base Design Charts: PDF


        Pole Base Installation Manual: PDF

        Looking for more technical resources?

        Get the Technical Guide
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