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        You Handle Electric, We'll Handle Concrete

        Installing Pole Base is simple so you can focus on the aspect of your job that you love - getting the lights turned on. The concrete work is complete, so you can set the base as soon as it arrives on the jobsite. Watch the video or read below to see how Pole Base installation is easy as 1, 2, 3!

        How to Install Pole Base Foundations

        Typical cast-in-place concrete pole base foundations not only require good weather conditions to install, they also require a lot of time and steps. Check out how easy it is to install Pole Base where you simply auger, place, and backfill. Why not remove all those other steps and have the bases delivered ready to go?

        If you'd like to see the process with excavation rather than augering, click here.

        Pole Base Installation Guide

        With tips from a pre-construction checklist to step-by-step install instructions--none of which include using cardboard tubes or waiting for concrete trucks--Pole Base will help simplify your work. Using a precast solution solves onsite problems before they even happen!

        Get the Installation Guide

        Installing Pole Base In Three Easy Steps

        Step One - Auger

        Determine the location for placement of the Pole Base, then auger or open cut a hole in the position you need the base. Next, place a 6-inch (152-millimeter) foundation of crushed stone in the bottom of the hole. This will ensure that the base stays in place over time.

        Step Two - Place

        To place your Pole Base in the hole, connect a lifting device to the base (see lifting device video above for details), then lower the base using a piece of machinery. An excavator will do the trick. Now, adjust and level the base, then run the wire and conduit.

        Step Three - Backfill

        Next, backfill around the base. If it's an excavated hole, backfill and compact in about 6-inch (152-millimeter) lifts using a standard compactor. You can finish around the base by paving, or placing topsoil and spread seed or sod. The base is ready, so the poles and lighting can be mounted and turned on immediately!

        Ready to Install Pole Base?

        Download the Installation Guide

        Pole Base vs Everyone Else

        "We were able to save a lot of time and effort by using precast bases on this project. The installation went quickly, and we even had the option to install the light poles the same day as the bases."

        John Richards Atlas Electric

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