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        Precast Products to Solve Your Problems

        Take back control of your jobsite with Pole Base precast products. You can solve problems that crop up on a jobsite related to concrete trucks and concrete curing with precast foundations. Check out the line of products built to spec to alleviate issues related to site lighting, runway or taxiway edge lighting, columns, sign foundations, or specialty solutions.

        Watch Video Overview

        Look Good, Feel Good

        Say goodbye to cardboard tube rings and extra finish work. Say hello to rich textures and architectural details. Pole Base precast products arrive on site ready to go, so they reduce your install responsibilities while elevating your aesthetics. The end result will certainly look good, and you'll feel pretty darn good about it too!

        Set it and Forget it!

        Pole Base precast options for light poles, runway or taxiway edge lights, sign foundations, columns or specialty solutions, allow you to simply set it and forget it! There's no need for multiple return trips to strip cardboard tubing, patch rough spots, and finish installation--the whole process can be completed at the same time.

        Finished from the Start

        With Pole Base precast columns, they arrive at your job site with a finished look. Available in multiple textures, you can get the look you want from the start.


        Learn More About Pole Base Textures

        Meet the Cast of Precast Problem Solvers

        Light Pole Bases

        Skip the hassle of pouring concrete on site and savor the speed with which Pole Base light pole bases are installed. Unusual site scenarios aren't a match for precast foundations, whether it's the tight space constraints of a site or the tight time constraints of your schedule. Pole Base light pole bases can help you get your project done efficiently!

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        Runway & Taxiway Edge Light Bases

        Installing edge lights at an airport is a complicated job. You can't simplify the intricacies of airport lighting, but you can simplify your work on the runway or taxiway by choosing a precast foundation from Pole Base. Skip the cardboard tubes and concrete trucks; use precast bases that are perfect for L-867 junction cans and capable of further customization.

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        Columns & Pillars

        From marking a driveway to performing as fence posts, columns and pillars from Pole Base are the way to go. With options for textures, colors, and even conduit for irrigation or electric lines, it's an easier option to install. Stop waiting for a concrete truck, and opt for precast instead.

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        Sign Foundations

        Help new businesses make a great first impression or expedite an image upgrade with a precast sign foundation from Pole Base. Whether installing at or above grade, weather and water table issues won't be a worry any longer. The time and labor you save will only enhance the end result and further delight your client!

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        Ready to solve your problems with Pole Base?

        Get A Quote

        "The average installation time per base was 15 to 30 minutes. I saved at least 20 man hours, so that saved me a couple thousand dollars."

        Wayne McPhall Wayne's Electric

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